Marketing HALO
- HALO Client Marketing Guide [Best Practices]
- HALO Lead Nurturing Email Series; Email Campaign for Leads/Prospective Client [Email Templates]
- HALO Existing Client Email Series [Email Templates]
- Blog Post: Your Concerns Are Changing, So Should Your Longevity Plan [Best Practices]
- Blog Post: Shifting from Retirement Planning to Longevity Planning [Best Practices]
- HALO Blog Post: How We Can Help You Improve Your Financial Wellness [Best Practices]
- Introducing HALO: Your Guide to Creating Interest and Taking the Assessment [Product Guides]
- The Science Behind Lumiant HALO Client one-pager [Best Practices]
- Marketing HALO to Existing Clients [Product Guides]
- Marketing HALO to Prospective Clients [Product Guides]
- [US & AU] Prospective Client Email HALO Invitation [Email Template]
- [US & AU] Existing Client Email HALO Invitation [Email Template]
- [US][AU] How to email a client about HALO [Email template]
- Request for appointment following the HALO Assessment [Email Templates]
- Social Media Text HALO Invitation [Best Practices]