
How to introduce a Values session

Touching lightly on the client’s Your Life results is a great way to segway between their initial fast brain response to the deeper values conversation you are about to start. 

You can explain to your client that part of what you will do today is go a little deeper into what sits behind their life scores. 

To introduce the Values session you might say: 

“We're passionate about understanding what your ideal life looks like. That's your whole life, not just the financial side. To help us do this, we're going to do an exercise that will help us understand your key values.

By understanding your values, it’ll help us create meaningful goals which will become the guardrails of your financial plan to achieve your best life.

This is just the beginning, as we work together in the coming years, we'll keep coming back to these values as the foundation for your advice"

This is one example of how you can introduce the Values session to a client. 

You might like to come up with something that suits your business. When working on your introduction you might like to consider some measurements of success like:

  • Understand what your ideal life looks like 
  • Determine if you can afford to live that life 
  • And protect yourself from life's surprises 


Lumiant Your Values- Role play

Join us for a 20-minute role play, where James Wortley from Enlightened Financial Solutions and James Williamson from Millhaven run through an example role play on how to conduct a values session using Lumiant's Your Values module.




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