
Stay informed and in control with Lumiant's email notifications for survey completions. Here's what you need to know:

1. Survey Completions: Upon completion of a Your Life, Values, Goals, Foundations, Your Governance, or Investment Preferences survey, your practice will receive an email notification confirming that the client has successfully completed their survey.

Pro Tip: For a comprehensive guide on sending surveys to clients, refer to our guide: How to send Surveys to clients [FAQs]

Document Upload Notification: Advisers receive timely notifications when clients upload documents to Your Vault. Allowing for prompt review of documents and taking any necessary actions.

Note: Email notifications are triggered only for direct client uploads, not via a governance/foundations survey.

2. Tracking Survey Progress: Keep track of survey progress through the activity panels. The status updates from 'not started' to 'started' and finally to 'done' once the client completes the survey. This visual tracking ensures you are always in the loop regarding survey completion.

3. Recipient of Email Notification: The email notification will be sent to the staff member designated as the primary professional for the practice. This is typically the Adviser set as the Primary Professional through the manage household access or linked via bulk upload or integration.

Important Note: Only one email reminder will be sent to the Adviser, ensuring a streamlined and efficient notification process.

4. Troubleshooting Email Notifications: If you are experiencing any issues with not receiving email notifications for survey completions, follow these steps:
a. Check who has been assigned as the primary professional by referring to our guide: [How to Manage Household Access in Lumiant].
b. If issues persist, reach out to our Support team at Lumiant by submitting a request for further assistance.

Remember: Our goal is to make survey management seamless for you. Stay updated, stay informed with Lumiant's email notifications!


Email Notifications

Your Life 



Your Values

Your Goals


Your Governance

Investment Preferences

Your Tasks





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