
Your Wealth - work in progress 

  • Liabilities - support for Basiq managed and manually entered in liability accounts (i.e. credit cards, loans etc.)
  •  Insurance- support for Basiq managed and manually entered in insurance accounts (i.e. home & contents, income protection etc.)

Packages - work in progress

 Pricing, Package and Sign-up pages developed

  • Stripe Integration implemented including setup of initial set of Products and configuration for subscriptions, customers etc. so that invoicing will be automated for all PAYG practices.
  •   Backend built to support self-serve sign up, changing practice and household level packages etc.
  •   Security implemented to ensure access on both the frontend and backend reflects the package that is turned on for the practice and household.

Internationalisation (i18n)

  •  Initial support for i18n has been implemented taking into consideration the different spelling of Adviser/Advisor and the different retirement vehicles (superannuation, KiwiSaver, 401(k)).
  • If you access via you will always get the AU version presented; but
  • If you go to then you're likely to see the US version by default as your browser will likely be set to US English.
  • There are a number of ways for us to identify what region the user is in and therefore serve them the localised version.
  •  We will extend this to automatically support international number (think the reverse usage of full stops and commas across the EU) and date formats (think month first in the US) as well.

Marketing / Analytics

  • Google Analytics have been upgraded from the previous to the new Google Analytics 4 property which aid in combining Web and App analytics.


  • We've switched from using Queens (licensed font) to Playfair Display (open font). Our other fonts are IBM Plex Sans (open font) and PF Grand Gothik (licensed font) so we're looking to also replace PF Grand Gothik



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